Tag Archives: Ontario

The Lakehead – Kakabeka Falls, Ontario Canada

This folio presents images of the area around Kakabeka Falls, Ontario, which is just west of Thunder Bay, Ontario and a bit north of the eastern tip of Minnesota as it runs along Lake Superior.

Western Smallware & Stationery Co., Ltd, Winnipeg, MAN

Western Smallware & Stationery Co., Ltd, Winnipeg, MAN

Western Smallware & Stationery Co., Ltd, Winnipeg, MAN

Western Smallware & Stationery Co., Ltd, Winnipeg, MAN

Western Smallware & Stationery Co., Ltd, Winnipeg, MAN

Western Smallware & Stationery Co., Ltd, Winnipeg, MAN

Western Smallware & Stationery Co., Ltd, Winnipeg, MAN

Western Smallware & Stationery Co., Ltd, Winnipeg, MAN

Western Smallware & Stationery Co., Ltd, Winnipeg, MAN

Western Smallware & Stationery Co., Ltd, Winnipeg, MAN

The folio is unused and undated, but the indications from the few cars and clothing styles shown point to the 1950’s.