Tag Archives: California

Rocky Promontory, Point Lobos, California

This image shows a typical formation of rock emerging from the tidal shallows of the waters around Point Lobos State Reserve, south of Carmel, California.

Color by Bolty

The description states:
And tranquil waters which form the shoreline of pristine POINT LOBOS STATE PARK.
–The park has been called the “greatest meeting of land and water in the world” by landscape artist Francis McComas, and is considered the crown jewel of the California State Park system.
This image likely dates from the 1950s.

Walking Path, 17 Mile Drive, California

This image shows a typical walking path along the California coastline and amongst the Monterey Cypress trees in the Del Monte Forest, home to the 17-Mile Drive.

“Plastichrome” by Colourpicture., Boston 15, Mass., U.S.A.

The description states:
Sylvan footpath flanked by Cypress and Sea, 17 Mile Drive, near Carmel, California.
–The Del Monte Forest occupies much of the Monterey Peninsula coastline between Pacific Grove and Carmel, having gates to both of those cities for both residents and tourists.
This image likely dates from the 1950s.

Vertical Cypress Redux, Pebble Beach, California

This image is nearly identical to the one posted yesterday, but some salient details indicate that it was taken at a much later time.

Mirro-Krome by H. S. Crocker Co., Inc.

The description states:
Pebble Beach, California
This famous wind-blown Cypress tree is on the 17-mile drive overlooking Carmel Bay.
–This image is more recent as shown by the missing limbs on the tree, particularly in the center gap and one extending to the right below the canopy. What apparently was once cultivated grass has been allowed to revert to the more natural landscaping.
This image likely dates from the 1970s.

Vertical Cypress, Pebble Beach, Calfornia

This image shows a Monterey Cypress tree which has grown vertically for much of its lifespan, with a trunk against the ground and supported by a large boulder.

Color by Mike Roberts, Berkeley, Calif. 94710

The description states:
Typical scene afforded the golfing clan who tread the lush fairways which wind around 17 Mile Drive, deluxe “Golf Capital of the World”.
Unusual tree formations are common among the Monterey Cypress, which must withstand sometimes severe wind from onshore breezes and storms.
This image likely dates from the 1960s.

Old Witch Tree, Pescadero Point, California

This image is an iconic example of a dead Monterey Cypress which has been blanched by sea spray and sun to leave a whitened ‘sentinel’. It was known as the “Old Witch Tree” and used in many movies and photographs.

A Mike Roberts Color Production, Berkeley 2, Calif.

The description states:
Even in death this gnarled Cypress maintains is centuries-long vigil on the wave-swept coast of the 17-Mile Drive.
–Such trees are common only in a small segment of the central California coastline, and are a memorable attraction for visitors from around the world. This example, at Pescadero Point, blew down in 1964.
This image likely dates from the 1950s.

Ghost Trees, Del Monte Forest, California

This image shows several live and dead Monterey Cypress trees, the latter of which are known as Ghost Trees.

Published by Royal Pictures, Colton, CA

The description states:
Once widely distributed over this part of the coast the Monterey Cypress now makes its last stand in a limited area between Cypress Point and Point Lobos. Robert Louis Stevenson compared them to “:Ghosts fleeing before the wind”. Clutching at precarious footholds in the face of ocean gales they lift their weather beaten gnarled and twisted branches in grotesque postures…Merle Porter
–The ghost tree gains its appellation from the whitened trunks and branches of the dead trees which contrast with the more typical brown and green of the living examples.
Ghost Trees is also a well known surfing location with a reputation for very large and dangerous waves.
This image likely dates from the 1950s.

Seal and Bird Rock, 17 Mile Drive, California

This image shows a dual rock formation in the tidal zone off the coast of Del Monte Forest along the 17 Mile Drive, It is shared as a resting and breeding place between sea lions and pelagic birds.

Color by Mike Roberts, Berkeley, Calif. 94710

The description states:
Seal and Bird Rock on the 17 mile drive with the numerous sea lions and the hundreds of birds that can be seen on the scenic route of 17 mile drive.
–This formation is visible from the Seal Rock Creek Beach on the 17 Mile Drive.
This card was used and is dated 18 June 1979.

Shoreline, 17 Mile Drive, California

This image shows a small portion of the Pacific coastline in the Del Monte Forest, better known by the driving route called 17 Mile Drive.

Color by Bolty

The description states:
Shoreline along 17 Mile Drive looking south from Cypress Point.
–Cypress Point is the home of the Cypress Point Club, an extremely exclusive organization that owns the Cypress Point Golf Course, which is considered one of the top 5 courses in the world, but is only open to club members and their guests.

The Barnyard Shopping Center, Carmel Valley, California

This image shows a couple of the unusual buildings used to house the shopping center known as The Barnyard at the mouth of the Carmel Valley in California.

McGrew Color Graphics, Kansas City, MO

The description states:
Consists of seven restaurants with outdoor dining, fifty shops and craft studios, a live theatre and a two hour photo finishing service. Located off Hwy. 1 between Carmel Valley Rd. and Rio Road. Enter from Carmel Rancho Blvd. Tel. (408)624-8886.
–The center was built in 1976 and is still there in this form, but the buildings have all been painted instead of being allowed to show their age as grey wood buildings. The theatre is gone as is the photo finishing service, and just about every business has been replaced with others.
This card was used and is dated 23 June 1979

Freeway and City Hall, Los Angeles, California

This image shows the recently completed Hollywood Freeway in Los Angeles, California, with a view of the iconic city hall in the background.

“Plastichrome” by Colourpicture., Boston 15, Mass., U.S.A.

The description states:
NEW HOLLYWOOD FREEWAY linking Civic Center with Hollywood, and the San Fernando Valley.
–The Hollywood Freeway was completed in three parts, the first in 1940, the second in 1954, and the third in 1968. The cars shown here indicate this image is from the 1950s.