This image shows a road as it passes through the towering sequoia forest along the Coast Range of California.

Selithco True Color from Ektachrome
The description states:
The redwoods, Sequoia Sempervirens, grow only along the Coast Range from Southern Oregon to Big Sur. The oldest of all living things, they often reach to a height of more than 300 feet and a diameter of 20 feet. The highway curves through the grace and beauty of magnificent groves of these monarchs of the forest.
–There is another relative of this tree, the Sequoia Giganteum, which is not as tall but is much wider in diameter, often large enough for a car to drive through a living, standing tree. These grow in the Sierra range on the eastern side of California.
In addition, the redwoods are no longer considered the oldest living thing, as the California bristlecone pine has been identified as much older.
This card was used and is dated 27 June 1956.