This image shows a veneration site for the Virgin Mary, placed in an outdoor niche and observed by a woman in the foreground.
There is no description on the back of this card.
The only incscription on this card is a handwritten “Richard May 1946”. The card is not scanned in crooked, the image is actually incorrectly aligned on the paper.
Anyone who may know of the location of this shrine is welcome to contact me.
Tag Archives: 1940s
Dog Opera Performance, Germany
This illustration shows a scene from an opera as performed and spectated by dogs. It is presumed to be an opera because of the presence of the orchestra playing during the performance.

No. 17 Marcel Schumann Importers, 1355 Market Street, San Francisco, Calif.
There is no description on the back of this card.
For simplicities sake, the artist has drawn most of the orchestra, and likewise most of the audience, with nearly the same ‘breed’ of dog, allowing only small variations. It is not clear if the dog off stage is a director or prompter, but it is not a performer as the costume is unlike the other performers.
This image likely dates from the 1940s.
Dog Family Portrait, Germany
This illustration shows a typical family portrait session with an old bellows camera, but with dogs in the place of people.

No. 4 Marcel Schumann Importers, 1355 Market Street, San Francisco, Calif.
There is no description on the back of this card.
Again in this image, the dog photographer has no pants, though the ‘father’ dog does, consistent with the rest of his formal attire. This ‘father’ dog also appears to have hands instead of paws, judging by the way they have been drawn next to the infant dog on his lap.
This card likely dates from the 1940s.
Dogs at Butcher Cartoon, Germany
Continuing with the theme from the previous posting, this image shows a collection of various breeds of dog in at a butcher shop operated by large bulldogs.

No. 3 Marcel Schumann Importers, 1355 Market Street, San Francisco, Calif.
There is no description on the back of this card.
There are a few interesting oddities in this image as well. The dog customers all have paws, but the butcher dog on the right clearly has hands. In addition, he towers over a trio of what appear to be very small bulldog customers. And, while the ‘female’ dogs have skirts, the ‘male’ dogs have no pants.
This image likely dates from the 1940s.
Cat Street Scene Cartoon, Switzerland
This illustration is one of the less common type of postcards: a typical street scene in a town where the people are all replaced by cats.

No. 4741 Edition Max Künzli, Zurich 6
There is no description on the back of this card.
Among the odd elements of this image is the fact that the cat that has tripped the bread seller has done so with the leash from her pet dog, the only dog in the image. The dress styles and horse-drawn trolley point to the turn of the 20th century for the setting of the image.
The postcard likely dates from the 1940s.
Bingham Mine Close View, Bingham Canyon, Utah
This image shows the Bingham Copper Mine and the mountains in the background from a relatively close in view, where the trains that move the ore are visible along the terraces.

Artist-tone Local Views, Copyright 1950 by L. H. Larson, Cowboy Artist, Kanab, Utah
The description states:
K 130
BINGHAM COPPER MINE Bingham Canyon, Utah
This, the world’s largest open pit coper mine, produces more than 90% of the copper mined in Utah, and one twelfth of the total world production. The giant pit resembles a huge stadium, its levels look like bleacher seats for giants. Ant-like electric shovels scurry back and forth on tracks, biting away seven tons of ore at a time. Bingham Canyon is located 20 miles southwest of Salt Lake City.
–While the construction of the mine looks stable, there have been two large landslides in the pit, in April and September of 2013. There were no injuries or deaths.
This card is dated 1950.
Mason Hotel Coffee Shop Entrance, Claremore, Oklahoma
This image shows the entrance to the coffee shop at the Mason Hotel, which at the time housed the J. M. Davis gun collection, displayed throughout the hotel on the walls of various public spaces.

MWM Photo Gravure Postcards, MWM, Aurora, Mo.
The description states:
J. M. DAVIS Gun Collection
Largest Individual Gun Collection in U. S. A.
–It is believed that the man pictured is J. M. Davis.
Comparing this image to the one posted previously, you can see the the right edge of the previous card matches up with the left edge of this card, giving a more panoramic view of the lobby as it looks towards the coffee shop.
This card likely dates from the 1940s.
Little Norway Bedroom, Blue Mounds, Wisconsin
This illustration shows the bedroom of a building on the grounds of Little Norway, a reconstructed Norwegian village near the town of Blue Mounds, Wisconsin.

Photo by Diemer
There is no description on the back of this card.
Little Norway changed hands a few times over the years, and recently was closed because of declining tourist revenue. The most famous component of the site, the stave church known as the Norway building, has been purchased by parties from Orkdal, Norway where the church was constructed, and is slated to be shipped there for reconstruction by 2017.
This image likely dates from the 1940s.
Tejm Motel, Bettendorf, iowa
This is an artist’s rendition of the Tejm Motel in Bettendorf, Iowa, a typical mid-century structure with multi-occupancy buildings reminiscent of apartments.

Teknitone Process by E. B Thomas, Rt. 26, Cambridge 39, Mass.
The description states:
On U. S. Highway 6 — Bettendorf, Iowa
“We Aim to Satisfy”
Conveniently located in Quint-City Area — (Bettendorf and Davenport, Iowa; and Moline, Rock Island and East Moline, Illinois). 26 modern units, especially designed for the comforts of home. Phone: TEJM MOTEL, Davenport Exchange.
–CAbins like these often had apartment style designs, including small kitchenettes and sometimes even laundry services. As motel owners learned that most travelers did not use most of these services for various reasons, they were eliminated for more popular additions such as television, air conditioning and swimming pools.
This image likely dates from the 1940s.
Shady Lodge Motel, Oscaloosa, Iowa
This image is an artist’s rendition of the cabins making up the Shady Lodge Motel, with the main office in the left background.

Tichnor Quality Views, Tichnor Bros., Inc., Boston, Mass.
The description states:
Shady Lodge Motel
102 So. 11th St., Highway 63
1/2 Mile South of 92
Telephone 3-7073
Oscaloosa, Iowa
Modern Cottages–Innterspring Mattresses–Steam Heated
“A Home Away From Home”–Hundreds of Shade Trees
Trailer Accommodations
Owned and Operated by Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Benke
–Such elaborate designs were still common in the early years of motel construction, particularly in remote or rural areas, but such buildings proved to be expensive to maintain and were supplanted with more standardized construction.
Google maps shows the site has been completely reconstructed for homes and small businesses. This image likely dates from the 1940s.