Tag Archives: 1940s

General Store Interior, Knott’s Berry Farm, Buena Park, California

This image is of the same General Merchandise Store, as it looked when first occupied. The items visible on the shelves are for sale for the most part, and included the berry products from the Knott’s berry farm.
There is no description on the back of the card.
This interior has been extensively changed and remodeled with the passing years, and bears no resemblance today, it being a more familiar souvenir shop with modern fixtures and lighting.
This card dates from the 1940s.

General Merchandise Store, Knott’s Berry Farm, Buena Vista, California

This is an image of the exterior of the General Merchandise Store as it looked in an earlier incarnation. There is a stereotypical wooden Indian carving and two cast members sitting on a bench under the sign.
There is no description on the back of the card.
The store is part of the larger Western town recreation known as Ghost Town, and the building, erected in 1944, still stands and is used to sell souvenirs. The card dates from the 1940s.

Redwood Section, Knott’s Berry Farm, Buena Vista, California

This image begins a series of pictures from the popular tourist destination known as Knott’s Berry Farm. It has existed in many forms over the decades, and much of what will be seen here has been replaced with more modern attractions. This is a section from a California redwood tree.
There is no description on the back of the card, typical of card like this which were converted from photos. The display was removed in 1984, a tree planted in the spot, and the surrounding area paved over.
This card dates from the 1940s.

Motel La Salle, Springfield, Missouri

This image shows a typical mid-20th century motel as it looked in the days before the Interstate Highway system profoundly affected motor traffic through and around many cities like Springfield, Missouri.

M.W.M. Color-Litho “Bursheen” Finished, Made Only By M.W.M. Co., Aurora, Mo.

The description states:
Refrigerated – Free T.V. – Panelray Heat
Tub and Shower Baths
Phone 4-8277
Highway 166, 60 and 13
Springfield, Missouri
–Presumably, refrigerated was the term used that is now called air conditioning. It is not known what sort of system Panelray heat was, possibly a kind of electric heater built into the wall of the motel room. This hotel no longer exists, likely a result of the reconstruction of the highway intersection in later years. This card likely dates from the 1940s.

Castle Hahatonka, Lake of the Ozarks

This image is a colorful rendition of the large house that came to be called Castle Hahatonka.

Corwin News Agency, Jefferson City, Mo.

The description states:
Daniel Boone is said to have trapped beaver in 1801 on what is now Hahatonka Lake. The region was visited in 1806 by a member of Pike’s Expedition, and was described by Henry M. Brackenridge in his Views of Louisiana, published in 1814. Robert M. Snyder, Kansas City, in 1905, built the house that has since been known as the “Castle”.
–The house is also described on an earlier post here. This card likely dates from the 1940s

Old Faithful Inn Lobby, Yellowstone, Wyoming

This hand-colored image shows the monumental lobby of the Old Faithful Inn. The fireplace is 85 feet tall and weighs 500 tons. The object at the top is a clock, and the lobby is surrounded by multiple levels of galleries.

Genuine Curteich-Chicago “C.T. Art Colortone”

The description states:
Old Faithful Inn Lobby was photographed by artificial light. Notice the huge clock and fireplace, and the crowd of sightseers.
–Also visible in the lower right are band members at their instruments. Presumably music was provided both for background and for evening dancing. This card likely dates from the 1940s.

Dunraven Pass, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

This image is a colorized view of the Dunraven Pass, part of the Grand Loop Road in Yellowstone National Park.

Sanborn Souvenir Co., Denver, Colo.

The description simply states:
–This image is from the same series as the previous post, but is printed with a different process, so the texture of the image is smoother.  This card likely dates from the 1940s.

Fall Colors, Colorado

This card shows an Autumn scene in the Rockies, where the foreground trees are deciduous and changing colors, while the background ones are evergreens. There are commonly differing tree combinations on the slopes of mountains, since various tree species are adapted to different altitudes and climates.

C. T. ART-COLORTONE, Sanborn Souvenir Co., Denver, Colo.

The description states simply:
–It is also probable that the person coloring this image decided not to add more colors to the background trees. This card likely dates to the 1940s.

Sherman Hill, Wyoming

This is an image of the hills of Wyoming from the highest point on the Lincoln Highway in Wyoming, once known as US 30. The highway was upgraded in the mid-20th century to Interstate Highway status, and is now part of I-80.

Sanborn Souvenir Co., Denver, Colo.

The description states:
The summit of the Rockies, over which passes Trans-continental railroad and highway, and air lines.
–It’s not clear why airlines are mentioned in this description, as the landmark is relatively unimportant to planes tens of thousands of feet above. This image was a black and white photo which was colored manually for sale. It likely dates from the 1940s.