This image shows a common illusion, created by the limited field of view provided by the photo, which tricks the eye into thinking the background is correct and stable while the foreground is changing.
There is no description on the back of this card.
This is not the best composed picture to create the illusion, as the board the two men are standing on is clearly visible and indicates some of the reason for the visual effect. However, the left side subject does appear smaller in both photos, even though the person there is exchanged.
This photo likely dates from the 1940s.
Tag Archives: 1940s
Curious Canyon Entrance, Santa Cruz, CA
This image shows customers gaining entry to the old-style attraction known as Curious Canyon in its early days, and now known as the Mystery Spot.
There is no description on the back of this card. Its is typical of the unposed photos that were printed on postcard stock as souvenirs for customers. To the left is the exit to the attraction, with the sign “I Just Saw Curious Canyon”. Possibly, visitors could have their pictures taken there as a souvenir as well.
This postcard likely dates from the 1940s.
Will Rogers Statue, Memorial Hall, Claremore, Oklahoma
This image shows the same statue as in the previous post, but with the setting included. The detail on the face and the pedestal are harder to determine, thus the reason for the more heavily retouched version.

The L.L. Cook Co., Milwaukee, WI
There is no description on the back of this card.
Rogers death in 1935 was untimely. He was traveling with the famous pilot Wiley Post in Barrow, Alaska, when, on 15 August 1935 their plane crashed attempting to take off, killing them both.
This card likely dates from the 1940s.
Will Rogers Statue, Claremore, Oklahoma
This image is a photo of the life-sized statue of Will Rogers that was cast for the museum. In addition, another cast was made and sent to be displayed in Washington, DC, in the statuary hall of the Capitol Building.
There is no description on the back of this card. This image was extensively modified and retouched to remove the background and floor, as well as increase the detail in the statue.
This image likely dates from the 1940s.
Diorama, Will Rogers Memorial, Claremore, Oklahoma
This image is a closeup of a diorama showing an old western town before the coming of the automobile. It is part of the Diorama Room as it was in the early years of the Museum.

The L.L. Cook Co., Milwaukee, WI
There is no description on the back of this card. Clicking on the image will show the full sized version. It may be that Will Rogers is depicted on the white horse left of center in the diorama.
This card likely dates from the 1940s.
Will Rogers Tomb, Claremore, Oklahoma
This view reverses the previous image, with the photograph taken from the upper story of the museum towards the tomb.

The L.L. Cook Co., Milwaukee, WI
Will Rogers was something of an early 20th Century superstar, much like Mark Twain before him, embodying many of the characteristics that American’s admired in their heroes and prominent citizens.
This card likely dates from the 1940s, shortly after the Memorial was built in 1938.
Will Rogers Museum and Tomb, Claremore, Oklahoma
This image is nearly identical to the previous post, which showed the Will Rogers Museum and Tomb complex from an artist’s rendition. Comparison shows that the grounds had changed very little between the time of this photo and the later artwork.

The L.L. Cook Co., Milwaukee, WI
There is no description on the back of this card. The tomb is in the immediate foreground, with the museum and chapel behind.
This card likely dates from the 1940s, as the complex was built in 1938, and at the time of this photo the landscaping has had time to mature.
Hotel Mason, Claremore, Oklahoma
This illustration is of the Hotel Mason, an establishment that, at the time of this card, hosted the largest unique gun collection in private hands.

MWM Color Litho “Buryheen” Finished Made only by MWM Aurora, Mo.
The description states:
The home of the largest gun collection of its kind, in the world. No two guns alike.
–The hotel was built in 1910, closed in 1974 and was demolished in 1986. The gun collection was moved to a dedicated museum.
This card was used and is dated 3 July 1953, though the cars illustrated indicate the image was created in the late 1940s.
Chicago Temple Methodist Church, Chicago, Illinois
This image shows only the spire of the largest church in Chicago, and the tallest building in the city when completed in 1924, the Chicago Temple of the Methodist Church.

Curteichcolor Reproduction from Kodachrome or Ektachrome Original
The description states:
CHICAGO TEMPLE (First Methodist)
the world’s tallest and oldest church, is located in the heart of the downtown Loop, having occupied this site for 116 years. Its spire, floodlighted at night, is an impressive sight. The Deagan Carillon is heard throughout the downtown area. The “Sky Parsonage” and the “Sky Chapel” are located in the tower, 330 and 400 feet above the street. An active weekday program culminates on Sunday, with overflow congregations coming from all the states and many countries around the world. The church is open daily for meditation and prayer.
Sunday Services: 11:00 A.M. and 7:30 P.M.
Noonday Meditations 12:15–12:45 P.M.
Tours Daily 2:00 P.M.
–While the building retains the title of tallest church building, the tallest church is now Ulm Minster. This building was the tallest in Chicago until passed by the Chicago Board of Trade building in 1930.
This image likely dates from the 1940s.
Olson Park, Chicago, Illinois
The Olson Park and Waterfall was located next to and part of a commercial enterprise known as Olson Rug Company. It was built as a sort of memorial to the Native Americans, who performed here during its existence.

Copywright 1942, The Olson Rug Company
The description states:
2800 N. Crawford (Pulaski) at Diversey
Tumbling waterfalls…hundreds of rare trees, shrubs, plants and flowers…clear pools…these and other beautiful sights are open free to visitors of the Olson Rug Co. Rock Gardens. This Company, the world’s largest manufacturer of Rugs, Carpets and Broadlooms dealing direct with the home, is known for low Factory-to-You Prices.
–As can be inferred from the text above, the card shown here was a promotional device for the company’s product. The park was located on the Northwest side of the city, and built in 1935. It remained until the business and property were acquired by Marshall Field in 1971. The park was demolished and replaced with a parking lot, used now for the Macy’s store in the old building.
As noted in the caption below the image, this card dates from the 1940s.