Still inside the chapel, now facing the opposite direction, this is a view of the gallery and the staircase on the left. Also shown is the main entrance door, and several of the stations of the cross illustrations common in such churches.

St. Michael’s College, Santa Fe, N. M.
The description states:
On one of its beams is carved the name of the Governor of new Mexico, the Marquez de Penuela, who rebut it in 1710, and that of his Aide and Ensign, Señor Don Agustine Flores Vergara. The gallery has a puncheon floor, interesting to many people, also quite an amount of Spanish and native carving. The beams and logs are from the mountains near Santa Fe. The old roof was replaced in 1830 by the present one. It and the spiral pillars are native work.
–The name may correctly be Don Augustine, but it is transcribed as printed on the card. Given the age of this card, and the primitive typesetting and printing methods of the time, it is likely that the error was too cumbersome and costly to correct.
The card is dated 1908.