This image shows the front of the Northway Motel in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, and to the left, the associated Schrener’s Restaurant for the convenience of the motel guests.

The L.L. Cook Co., Milwaukee, WI
The description states:
Hwy. 41 between Hwys 23 & 151 on Grove Street
Fond du Lac’s newest and finest. One Mile to City. Excellent restaurant adjoining. 24 air conditioned rooms. Phones, free T.V.s, Sealy Posturpedic Mattresses, Hot Water Heat, All Tiled Tub and Shower Baths. Open year around.
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Shaw – Owners and Operators
Fond du Lac, Wis. Phone: Walnut 1-7975
—This establishment still exists on the current site, along with a restaurant with a new name.
This postcard was dated when printed as 1959.