This card has an illustration of the redwood grove decoration in the cafeteria style restaurant known as Clifton’s Brookdale. This was the second of a chain of cafeterias founded by Clifford Clinton, and was originally called Clifton’s Cafeteria.

Genuine Curteich-Chicago ‘C.T. Photochrom’
The description states:
Parable of the Redwoods…
If you stand very still in the heart of a wood, you will hear many wonderful things
— the snap of a twig and the wind in the trees and the whir of invisible wings.
If you stand very still in the turmoil of life and you wait for the voice from within
— you’ll be led down the quiet ways of wisdom and peace in a mad world of chaos and din.
If you stand very still and you hold to your faith, you will get all the help that you ask.
You will draw from the silence the things that you need — Hope and courage and strength for your task.
–This illustration may have been one of the wall paintings that was made on glass, then illuminated from behind by neon lights.
This card likely dates from the 1950s.
I have this postcard with the same quotation on the back and signed by Patience Strong. On the front it says Chapel Redwood Scene – Clifton’s “Brookdale” 648 So. Broadway, Los Angeles.
I have been sorting through some very old memorabilia today and came upon several of the linen style postcards among the treasures (at least to me). The card has never been used; the color is good; and the corners are square.
I expect it was bought when my parents and I (3 yr.) traveled by car from N.C. to the western states.
Thanks for sharing! And, thanks for bringing to my attention that many of my photo links are broken (due to a change in Drop Box). I will spend some time this month making sure the photos are back working again.
There is a good chance that this was purchased during my first visit to Disneyland in 1956/7 as an infant.