This image concludes the selection of views of Long Gardens in Mobile, Alabama. This last one features a more natural setting, less cultivated and manicured, but still featuring bright floral displays.

“Plastichrome” by Colourpicture Publishers, Inc., Boston 15, Mass., U.S.A.
The card has the same description as the previous ones:
Azaleas – Camellias
Tuthill Lane, Springhill
Mobile, Alabama
One of themes beautiful private gardens in the world
In this natural setting of pine-needled knolls and beautifully landscaped ravines, exquisite beauty has deepened through the years. It blooms forth in azaleas and camellias now, rendering to you one of the most beautiful private gardens in the world… and truly the novelist spot on Mobile’s famous Azalea Trail.
— A review of the site shows that the gardens no longer exist, and the area has been converted to residences. This card likely dates from the 1950s.