This image shows the tourist resort called the Saltair along the shore of the Great Salt Lake in Utah.

Kodachrome Reproduction by Mike Roberts Studios Berkeley 2, Calif.
The description states:
Located on the shores of the Great Salt Lake, one of the world’s wonders, Saltair is 15 miles west of Salt Lake City. Built on thousands of piles and extending out into the lake, it offers a fine amusement park and picnicking facilities, lunch and refreshments stands, one of the largest unobstructed dance floors in the world and bathing in the briny waters of the Great Salk Lake where you “float like a cork.”
–The building has been destroyed and reconstructed a few times since the first version was built in 1893, and today it is little used, as it is more remote than other desirable venues. Concerts are still held, but the resort is no longer on the lake shore.
This card likely dates from the 1950s.