Highway 40, Yuba River, California

This image shows the route of the original two-lane highway through the Sierras, U.S. Highway 40, and its location along the Yuba River. There are three watercourses carrying the name, and this one appears to be the South Fork.

Photo Color by Merle Porter

The description states:
HIGHWAY 40 runs through the canyon of the south Fork of the Yuba River, past a string of vacation caps, inns, and public camp grounds. The stream cascades down broken granite slopes; deep among the bording conifers are piles of grey-white granite, ground from the mountain flanks by ancient glaciers. Here and there are mountain meadows where deer are often seen.
–The word bording above is probably bordering. This highway was expanded and improved to a four-lane and renamed Interstate 80, following along almost the identical course. The Yuba River was a prime source of placer gold during the California Gold Rush.
This card likely dates to the 1950s.

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