This card shows an aerial view of the Jackson Motel, an establishment named for Andrew Jackson in the city of Murfreesboro, Tennessee.

Hannau Color Productions, 605 Lincoln Road., Miami Beach, Fla.
The description states:
Murfreesboro, Tenn.
Intersection U. S. Hi-ways 41, 70-S & 231 in city limits. Accommodations for 200 guests. Swimming Pool, Air Conditioned, Electric Heat, Circulating Ice Water and Telephones. Beautyrest Mattresses. Nice Restaurant serving good food from 6:00 A. M. until 9:00 P. M. TV Lounge, Gift Shop, Shuffleboard, and large Convention Room. Phone TW3-5290. Fountain Service till 10:30 P.M.
“The Waldorf of Motels”
–There is still an establishment in Murfreesboro by the same name, but it is not the same buildings, so it is probably a new business with a similar name.
This postcard is unusual because of its extra long format with images rotated 90 degrees to fit on the postcard. Click on the image to see the card full size. This postcard likely dates from the 1950s.