Cedar Bluff Motel, Benton Harbor, Michigan

This artist’s rendition is of a typical lakeside motel from the mid-20th century, with accommodations and features focussed on the water activities.

Tichnor Quality Views, Tichnor Bros., Inc., Boston, Mass.

The description states:
18 Modern Units, Ceramic Tiled Baths — 800 feet Private Sandy Lake Michigan Beach — 2 Picnic Areas — Playground Equipment — TV in Office Lounge — 2 Restaurants Nearby — Close to all Activities.
Families Welcome
Rt. 3, Box 231 — Benton Harbor, Mich.
Phone Walnut 5-1419
R.B. Hornack, Owner-Mgr.
–This motel was a reconstruction of an earlier establishment on the same location that had free standing cabins. The motel no longer exists. The illustration shows a car that dates this card from the 1950s.

2 thoughts on “Cedar Bluff Motel, Benton Harbor, Michigan

  1. Lori Beason

    I have a post card from this motel, Cedaer Bluff Motel at Benton Harbor, MI
    Do you know if this motel was on what is called Silver Beach on Lake, MI.
    I believe this is where my parents took us on vacation at Silver Beach, but I thought
    the motel was right on Silver Beason.
    I was very young so only have pics and stories from parents who are no longer here to go on.
    Just found this postcard in my mom’s stuff and thought it was the motel we stayed at.

    1. deans Post author

      My apologies the image is not displaying. I had a failure with my image host and have not been able to update all the card images on my site.
      From the description on the posting, the Cedar Bluff Motel is describe as having been 5 miles north of Benton Harbor on the lakeshore where now are private homes. Silver Beach is located less than a mile from Benton Harbor in St. Joseph, and is unlikely to be the correct beach given the existence of St. Joseph as a known destination.


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