This second image shows the same motel, the Grand Motel, a few years later, as indicated by the later model cars in the image.
The L.L. Cook Co., Milwaukee, WI
The description states:
Overlooking St. Mary’s River & Canada
1100 East Portage Ave., Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan
Phone MElrose 2-2141
“Enjoy Your Vacation — See Us First”
Located a few blocks from Famous “Soo” Locks. 23 completely modern, spacious units. Ceramic tile baths – tub & shower combinations. Completely carpeted – individually controlled Electric Heat. Accommodates from 2 to 7 guests. 7 of the 23 units are equipped for housekeeping.
Owners — Harold and Pat Finnerty
–The last two lines are of special note: ‘equipped for housekeeping’ meant that there was a place to cook and wash dishes, what is now more commonly termed a kitchenette. The original owners names printed on the card have been printed over and the new owners names added below. Otherwise, the description on this card and the previous one is identical.
This motel has closed in recent years. This card dates to the 1960s.