Further illustrating the exceptional width of the main chapel at Mission San Juan Bautista, this image shows one side aisle with its own altarpiece in the right foreground, and another aisle altar in the left background, along with the main altar through the arch in the center. Most Mission sanctuaries are barely wide enough for one center walkway.

Hubert W. Lowman, Covina, Cal. 91722
The description states:
Founded 1797, San Juan Bautista, California
Glimpse of a few of the historic art treasures in California’s largest old Mission church. Today 31 original paintings still adorn its walls and 7 wooden statues stand in its niches, all dating from about 1800. Above them, floating beams 40 feet long support the ceiling; in the tile floor beneath, wild animal tracks can still be seen.
–This card likely dates from the 1950s.