1910 Metz Automobile

This week features classic automobiles from the earliest years of the 20th Century. This card highlights the 1910 model from the Metz car company featuring a 23 horsepower motor. The company had a short lifetime as a result of the inability of hand-made cars to compete with the assembly-line vehicles built by Ford in this era.

Gezon Motor Sales, Grand Rapids, Michigan

This card was not a souvenir but a reminder card sent by the Gezon Motor Sales company in Grand Rapids, Michigan, to remind customers to have their current car serviced. The description on the back states:
…by letting us inspect and service your car every 1000 miles. It runs smoother, safer and lasts longer! You save on gas, oil, repairs. That 1000 mile mark is important. May we see you then? Thanks for your most recent visit. Happy motoring!
–Service intervals have gradually increased since then, up to as long as 7500 miles today. Given that many cars are driven more than 1000 miles a month, it is likely that today a monthly service visit would feel very inconvenient.
This card was mailed to the recipient in 1957.

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