Calder’s La Grande Vitesse, Grand Rapids, MI

Once in the heart of the city, you’ll see this oversized outdoor sculpture which has become the symbol of the city. Like many such works, including the Eiffel Tower, it was not so well received originally.

Penrod/Hiawatha Card Co. Berrien Center, Michigan, 49102

The description states:
CALDER SCULPTURE, LA GRANDE VITESSE – Dedicated June 14, 1969 in Vandenberg Center, Grand Rapids, Michigan, this lovely sculpture, “The Grand Rapids”, is the first such civic venture financed jointly by federal and public funds. Sculpted by the famous Alexander Calder, the La Grande Vitesse was built in France. Immediately behind the impressive creation is the City-County Building.
— As the description indicates, this card dates to no earlier than 1969, and was probably made shorty after the dedication.

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